Happy New Years 2008!

February: Our first plane ride to Albuquerque, New Mexico.
March: Happy Easter!

March: We learned to crawl AND play in the dog bowl! fun times!
April: I went to Chuck E Cheese's with one of my girlfriends, Anna!
May: Got my hair cut off!
May: Joe's first birthday and my 34th birthday! Where did the time go?
June: Found a house in Fort Worth
July: Wonderful parent/sister trip to Europe. It was spectacular. Would have been better if my husband had been with me though.
July 30: Moving truck came.
August 1: Moved INTO our new house.
August: My friend Julie and her kids came to visit. Shut her arm in the car door and broke it.
Welcome to MY house. :(
September: RIP my beloved Frankie! You are missed EVERY single day!
September: Hurricane Ike brought some wonderful evacuees. What fun we had!
September: Hurricane Ike also brought Jason a totaled truck and a new Yukon.
October: A girls trip to Austin.
October: our 3rd Anniversary and our wonderful in laws watched Joe.
November: Wonderful Girls trip to Galveston. Oh yeah and I dyed my hair brunette. Who says that blondes have more fun?
December: Family pictures. What a wonderful family I have.
It's been a year full of changes and a year full of growth. I wonder what 2009 will bring. Whatever it is... I hope that we continue to be blessed and to take each hardship and new challenge as the lessons they are intended to be. I pray that my family continues to be healthy and happy. And I hope that all those that we care about have the best year that they can! :)
Happy 2009 all!
What a full year!
Joey has grown so much. I just spent an hour looking at all of our pictures over the past year, I never realize how much my kids have change until I look back at pictures.
Happy 2009!
Wow! I remember most of those photos and it does not seem like that much time has passed at all!
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