More lake pictures. This is Paw Paw's cabin.
A bottle tree. Now, if *I* had a bottle tree, I would take great pride in finding the perfect bottles... but Alyce Anne actually boutht these bottles from ... whoda thunk that you could buy empty wine bottles.
Ring around the rosey!
Race you!
This fence is across from their lake house. I fell in love with this fence... it was just the right size for Joe and Jack. However, upon closer investigation... there was poison oak and poison ivy so I couldn't get too close pictures. But, I did get some. Bebe, unfortunately, lost a brother when they were in high school. Steve actually drowned at this very lake. His young girlfriend, at the time, now owns this house. This little fence has a lot of history.
Jackson, our nephew who is three. Isn't he handsome... now what you can't see is his adorable rain boots that he won't go out without. Too cute! 
A man and his boy. Is there anything better?
On our way home, I was determined to get pictures of Joe in the wildflowers. Alas... the blue bonnets weren't showing their pretty little faces but these Indian Paint brushes were. Unfortunately... joe was so tired he was not cooperating. Then when we DID see the blue bonnets, he was sound asleep.

And then to top off the wonderful weekend... we came home to fantastic new landscaping. :) Isn't it pretty?

A man and his boy. Is there anything better?
And then to top off the wonderful weekend... we came home to fantastic new landscaping. :) Isn't it pretty?
Those are great pictures and I LOVE the landscaping. We really need to get that done at our house sometime soon.
Great pics. The landscaping looks great! Don't you just love our grass this time of year?!
Aw...Joe and Jackson are too cute in their "racing" pic.
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