Historical Society of New Hope

All streams lead to the Delaware. :)

Across the Delaware river looking at the Lambertville Inn

sure it will be cold enough honey... you look great!

The canal that runs alongside the Delaware. They used to pull barges with mules up and down the canal and the locks.

Inside of John and Peter's bar. This place caused many a hangover in my day. ;) They have had some pretty amazing bands play here... it's a fixture in New Hope, PA

Valley Forge, PA

A ladybug outside of Washingtons Headquarters. There were actually millions of them.

Washingtons headquarters. He rented this house for the equivalent of $1000 a month.

These are the bunkers that the soldiers built. We decided they were pretty short. ;)

Breakfast at Reading terminal market.

One of the stalls at the market had all these fresh veggies. Amazing. There was a spice market, a butcher, a seafood vendor.

Independence Hall

The liberty bell.
1 comment:
FUN! Beautiful pics.
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