The party was so fun! and of course, the babies (and adults) were too too cute! :)
It was great to catch up with friends and of course the food was wonderful. Cindy really outdid herself and even baked the cake herself. (an undertaking *I* wouldn't take on). It was a GREAT party and thank you for the invite. :)
The birthday girl! :) Reagan turned two.
It didn't stop there. He continued with Boat! Boat! Boat! Boat.... he woke up in the middle of the night burning up with fever and sat bolt upright and said... mommeeeee BOAT!
We got a chance to visit with our south shore boat friends and then on Sunday morning we headed down to Galveston with some new friends.
The new friends we boated with, Shila and Harold and their three children. Mason (20), Kat (14) and Luca (5). Pictured below is Kat and Luca with Joe.
We had such a great time. They are a fascinating couple with fun fun stories. We sat around, enjoyed some wine and then headed to dinner. Jason stayed back on the boat with Joe (who still wasn't feeling well) and I got to go to dinner with the family. :)
Shore. The below pic was of Joe being silly. (of course).
We finally headed home about 3:00 to Fort worth ... got home about 8:30... oye!
It was so worth it though! :)
We had our two year appointment today and he is in the 21st percentile for weight and 78th for height. has hit all of his milestones and aside from a sore throat and this bout of sickness is perfect (of course!). :)
Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial day and remembered all those that fought for our freedoms. :)
God bless!
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