Reagan to Joe... "Everyone says a good greasy breakfast is the best way to get over a hangover... at least that's what I heard your mom saying."
Joe... "I thought it was just to drink more... that's what dad says."

Poor Jacob... so tired!

Get your Motor running....

anyone wanna play ball?

when's it MY turn?

"NOOOOOO.... they're JOES!... no no no no!" (says Joe)

you mean I'm not supposed to hit this baseball with a golf club?

ding dong ding dong..."who needs 30 day shred?"

Peaceful Abby

Yeah... daddy, I think you might be a bit big for this

You're gonna be here awhile... you need sustenance.

Poor Joe...all worn out!

A little afternoon baseball!
No.... no... no... that's JOE's! (says Joe)
choooooo chooooooooooo
: ( Why did we have to come home?
Hilarious AND adorable!
Looks like a house full of kids was a blast!
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