Friday, April 17, 2009

I can't be the only blogoholic

So lately in the quest to work and not work (wink wink)... I have been following more and more blogs. I read the random musings of complete strangers around the world. I pray for complete strangers. I think of what they are doing and how their families are faring at the things that THEY blog about.



no... definitely! :) But, that is the main reason why people blog, no? It's out there for the world to see. It satisfies my desire to write and to say things that some people want to read and others don't care to read and yet others are obligated (Grandma?) to read. :-D

Why do I follow complete strangers?

It's kind of like reading a novel but instead of having a beginning, a crises, a resolution and then an ending... you kind of have it all in there and you get to know the characters and you become invested in their lives. So, for me, an unending novel. which is awesome! :)

Anyway... I digress. :)

One of the blogs that I have recently started following is called confession of a Blogoholic. It's for others that are just like me. They have blogs listed under categories and you can read and read and read. They will feature one different blog a week. How cool is that?

The link is on the right of my blog. It's the super cool red couch. :) If you like to read about other people's lives... click on it and you can always add yours too.

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

I love the way you describe reading blogs - an ongoing novel. I do the same thing and I care very much about what happens to their families, their friends, and I too wonder what is going on in their lives. It's normal...that's my story and I'm sticking to it:)