Thursday, April 9, 2009

Moving is hard... and not just for the obvious reasons

So, moving is hard. Moving is very hard. Packing up all of your belongings, putting them into itty bitty (or not so itty bitty) boxes and moving them to wherever your relocating to and then finding new spaces for all of your worldly items.

Saying goodbye to your family. Saying goodbye to your friends. Driving away. Driving away his horrible.

Then, finding new things. A new doctor. A new dentist... new supermarkets, vets and hair dressers. You have to *think* about where you are going and how do you get there. You don't know anyone to call if you need something and if you need a cup of sugar... well, then jump in your car, think about where you are going and get you some.

So, all of these are the obvious difficulties in moving to another place.

You always have promises of when you come back to visit. When you come back to visit... well then you'll get to hang out with your friends, love on your family, see your family dog and scratch your kitties ears. Go eat sushi at your favorite restaurant and stop by to see your rent house. You'll get to "spend time" with all of those people you love and miss so much.

But you don't think of the fact that you just cannot fit it all into one itty bitty weekend. You can't think of and put your son first and work a full day AND still get into town and get it all done. And of course, you can't make everyone happy.

Moving is hard. What people don't mention is that those friends that you miss so much become email friends and phone friends (if you're lucky) and even blog friends. And I pray and hope and pray some more to keep in touch with them because when I move BACK to Houston I am going to NEED them because then I am going to be mourning my friends up here.

Moving is hard. You want to make people happy. You want to make your family happy. sometimes you feel like it would just be easier if you didn't visit at all. Then you can't miss it and you can't disappoint people.

There... I said it.

Moving is hard.


Meg said...

Love to you my friend! I know it's hard but I think you are doing a great job. And *I* am glad you're here!

Delia said...

Do not worry! I will still be here when you move back. Besides, I still think you are just on an extended holiday up there.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh... I can totally sympathize with you. It's been about 7 yrs since I made the big move here and I can tell you it gets somewhat easier. You won't have to think as much as to where you are going... but yeah... the visits are never long enough. Look at it as another chapter of your life and treasure it for what it's worth. :)

Lawfrog said...

The first couple of times I returned to Oregon for a visit after moving to Texas, I had tons of people wanting to visit with me so I had to make time slots for everyone. It was exhausting. I had days filled with going from one visit to another.

This is when I realized a couple of things:
1. I was very lucky to have so many wonderful friends.

2. It's not possible to see everyone/do everything.

So, I had to tell some people that I couldn't see them this time around and others I visited with for a shorter period of time.

Moving is hard, but your friends love you and they will understand you can't see everyone all the time. AND...they will still be there when you return for good. So take the pressure off yourself and spread out the love/visits. It's ok:)

macfamilytx said...

I will be here with open arms when you come back!

kbarsch said...

Ditto Delia--we will be here with OPEN ARMS when you return (if you will have us, too!) We miss you dearly, but the great thing is, we are such good friends, that whether it's been one day or one month since we've talked, it always feels like it was just yesterday we talked--to me, that's always defined a great friendship!!

p.s. I'm not sure if it's doable, but it looks like we are going to try and go to a Rangers game this summer for our Christmas card--we'd love to come visit for the weekend if we can find one before the baby comes!!