Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Keeping up with the Pregnancy: 24 weeks

Keeping up with the Pregnancy: 24 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 23 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby D is the size of an ear of corn.  They say my uterus is the size of a soccer ball.  (yep.. looks that way, huh?)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: About 11 pounds  ...
Maternity Clothes:  More and more and more. 
Gender: It's a girl!  Jocelyn Anne.   
Movement:  Oh my goodness... she has been moving and a shaking all week.  I can now feel her on the outside. 
Sleep: ok... but wish I had a pregnancy pillow and I think I threw my snoogle out. 
What I miss:  spicy tuna rolls.  
Cravings: sweets... cupcakes, cake, pie, ice cream.  Luckily I don't give in too often.   
Misc notes:  Started exercising again this week YAY!  That felt great.  Was even able to run (very slowly) on the treadmill on Tuesday.  There is also a water bootcamp class at the Y on Thursday Mornings... so I've added that in.  
I don't remember my tummy feeling this TIGHT last time... (Like take a deep breath tight)...  I suppose it was ...  but I've been taking a warm bath each night with some oil in the water to help with stretching.  :) 
All in all, I feel great though. 

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